Motley Crue's Vince Neil was jailed for just 15 days after causing drummer's death in DUI crash

Motley Crue is one of the 'most notorious rock bands in the world', according to its members, and watching Netflix's latest film 'The Dirt' shows you why they got that title. Even before the band made their first hit single 'Shout At The Devil', the band was up to all sorts of crazy antics: from getting into a fistfight at their very first live gig to all of them checking into rehab so that they can get clean. Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, and Mick Mars have a lot of tales to tell from their time performing together.

The focus of this particular piece, however, is lead singer and lady killer Vince Neil. Neil is been responsible for the death of one person at least. The infamous incident took place in 1994 when Finnish hard rock band Hanoi Rocks came to the US on their second tour. This was also the first tour that ever reached California.

The two gigs that were supposed to be held in Los Angeles sold out in a matter of twenty minutes. That's how popular the band was at the time. Then, on December 9, the day the band arrived in the City of Angels, drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley and other members of the band (minus singer Michael Monroe, who had been recovering from a fractured ankle) went to Neil's home at Redondo Beach and spent the day there.

After everyone at the party drank and made merry, Neil and Razzle decided to step out to the local liquor store to buy more alcohol in Neil's De Tomaso Pantera. The Motley Crue lead singer was pretty drunk at this point and lost control of his car which collided into an oncoming vehicle. The occupants in the other car were severely injured in the crash and suffered from brain damage. Razzle tragically died in the crash. 

Neil was subsequently charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol. His blood alcohol level was reportedly 0.17, which was way above the legal limit of 0.10 at the time. In July 1986, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Edward Hinz, Jr. sentenced the rockstar to 30 days in jail, five years probation, $2.6 million in restitution to the victims of the crash, as well as 200 hours of community service.

The singer was able to get out of prison in 15 days for good behavior. The band dedicated their third studio album, which is called Theater of Pain, to Razzle. The streaming giant's film stays true to the story related in the band's autobiography, 'The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band', by showing how the lead singer slowly descended into despair after the death of his friend. He became less interested in the music and more interested in blaming himself for what happened.

In 1992, Neil was fired from the Crue by his bandmates after they basically got tired of his moping and his constant lateness to important rehearsals. The year after he quit the band, Neil's five-year marriage to former mud wrestler Sharise Rudell ended in divorce.

This didn't seem so bad for the singer who was then hit with the biggest punch in the gut in April 1994 when his four-year-old daughter Skylar, whom he had joint custody with Rudell, was diagnosed with Wilms' tumor, which is a kidney cancer that affects children. The toddler underwent six operations, aside from extensive chemo and radiation treatments.

Just four months later, in August, little Skylar died. In a detailed piece he wrote for PEOPLE magazine at the time, the then 34-year-old rockstar said: "This ordeal is something no parent should have to go through." He had just released his solo album, Carved in Stone, that included a track called "Skylar's Song" which he wrote for his daughter before she died. He added: "More than that, I wish no child ever had to go through it."

Netflix's 'The Dirt' aired on the streaming site on March 22.
